All the latest from Genese Cloud Academy. Follow our blog to learn about the new courses, the latest in technology, giveaways and latest events.

Report On Bhawishya Steam Challenge 2019, Provincial Level Program In Butwal
GCA at “Why Entrepreneurship in Nepal”
Genese Cloud Academy (GCA) aims to connect with as many youths as possible to empower them with the right knowledge and skills to enhance their careers. For the same endeavor, GCA recently participated in an event named “Why Entrepreneurship In Nepal”. “Why...
Genese at Province 2 Progress Update and Partnership Launch
Genese Cloud Academy, as one of the private sectors in the सीप Challenge Fund program, signed an MOU in the Progress Update and Partnership Launch event organized in Janakpur. In the event, we talked about our academy program and how it can benefit the students in...