AWS Cloud Practitioner Training

Domain 3: Technology (20 Hours)

1. Define methods of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud

2. Define the AWS global infrastructure

  • includes AWS concepts of regions, AZs, and edge locations

3. Identify and basic lab and core AWS services

  • Compute Services – EC2, ECS, Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, Auto Scaling
  • Storage Services – S3, EBS, EFS, Glacier
  • Security, Identity, and Compliance – IAM, Organizations, WAF
  • Databases – RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, ElastiCache
  • Migration – Database Migration Service
  • Networking and Content Delivery – VPC, Cloud Front, Route 53, Direct Connect, ELB
  • Management Tools – Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, Cloud Trail, Trusted Advisor, Personal Health Dashboard
  • Messaging – SQS, SNS
  • Includes AWS Services Overview and focuses on high-level knowledge of (but surely not deep enough)

4. Identify resources for technology support

  • includes AWS Support Models and the key features and benefits the model provides to the customers